Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Brick Home.

Day 4 in the Big Bother house.

That was a frantic few days.
Our trepidation as we neared the house on Saturday, turned into abject despair as we opened the front door.

Our son and his friend have been the victim of a serious allergy for the past year.

This takes the form of Hooveritis, Polishandclothitis and combined with the dreaded Whatsthemowerfor, they were in a terrible state........ as was the poor old house!

A years worth of dust and muck has taken us three days to clear, and when it eventually stops raining, I will be able to release the wandering tribe of Pygmies who are lost in the jungle that used to be our lawn.

This really highlights the problem with housework, you do it all, and a year later you have to do all over again.

Crunchie, who seems to be quite a clever animal, has made her mark in the house already.
The other two cats - who have the combined intellect of a frozen pea - are letting her take over.

I am going to put some of the highlights of our last years cruise on here as soon as I dig the pictures out. That should be interesting.

Wish we were there.

Until next time...........................


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