Wednesday, 16 February 2011


If it rains it's not my fault.......

How about this Taxidermi shop in Llangollen? they really do look like they have been frozen in real time.
Not for us but still pretty impressive.

Lets polish that brass says I.
No! you will make it rain again says D.
Guests are on the way says I.

So..... if it does rain it is all our daughters fault.

Jumping in on the great bow thruster/girlie button/that's not boating debate..... when we went to pick up Ubique - who is fitted with a thruster - the man hit three boats in the confines of the marina just because he was to pig headed to use it.

If you need that you cannot handle your boat was his rather stupid excuse.

Today was a bit of a classic though, imagine a beautifully painted and blacked hire boat leaving the dry dock here at Trevor.
The man at the tiller was of the old school - full throttle and what do you need a bow thruster for? -  boat handling style.
He smacked the newly painted boat into the side taking that new paint off all along one side, bounced off and scraped all down the other side before practically tearing the gearbox out of the poor thing as he tried to reverse it back to its mooring.

It does make me wonder how we ever got out of the caves sometimes.

Until next time...................


1 comment:

Lisa said...

What no photo of the girlie button incident???