Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Ellesmere, Day 39.

A bit more movement..... 

Another couple of boats have been ice smashing, but.......say no more!

I got myself roped into a "Diesel Run" today.
Riding in a car again was a bit strange, covering twenty miles in about half an hour had the head spinning, but the disappointment in finding the garage had whacked six pence a litre on it's price took over.
I know that this is still twenty two pence cheaper than the local bandits in the boatyard are charging, but it still sticks in the throat.

This red diesel price seems to be out of control, if two petrol garages had such wildly varying prices one would be very very quiet very quickly and be out of business before you could actually say "Crooks". 

A treat of a sunset this evening.

I couldn't decide which one to put on, so here are all three.

Until next time...................


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