Tuesday 3 November 2009

Rugby. Staying Put.

All is not quite plain sailing aboard Ubique at the moment, the engine is throwing another hissy fit- it seems to want to burn more oil than diesel.

This is causing me all sorts of problems as I try and diagnose what is wrong as it is one of those intermittent faults, one minute fine, the next, guzzling oil like a sot. All will no doubt be revealed in the fullness of time!

On a much happier note, the chainsaw was a great success as it chomped its way through the trees we had collected the other day. I'm only calling them trees as they were a lot thicker than anything I could (or would want to) cut with the Bow Saw. It was quite disappointing when we ran out of things to chop.

I could say - new toy, new toy, but that would just be irresponsible, so I wont.

The weather, what can you say about the weather? (note the Hops)

This is our Barometer and the gold coloured needle is where the black needle was this morning, the pressure is falling like a stone and has gone off the scale. Since taking this picture the needle is now on the H of Hygro, not too sure about what is coming our way at the moment!!

This is the scene along the moorings this evening, bears no relationship to the Barometer does it?

Still, I have put out an extra rope here and there just to be sure.

Until next time...........................


Dave Winter said...

Just looking at your barometer reading I think it might be a bit low.Have a look at this site.Moving around on the cut puts the readings out due to the differing heights.
I enjoy reading your blogs.
Dave Winter(Bassiclint)Twitter

Brian and Diana on NB Harnser said...

Passed you just before lunch, stopped for a word with Billy on Rosy just ahead of you but you looked all shut up.

Chris and Debbie, said...

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the link.
I must admit I dont normally bother to reset it very often. It was just the speed with which it fell off the scale that was the surprise, I did think at one stage we had broken it with all the tapping.

Glad you are enjoying the Blog.

Regards Chris & Debbie.

Chris and Debbie, said...

Hi Brian & Diana,

We were probably at Tescos (again) when you passed by. The store is just too convenient at this mooring.

No doubt our paths will cross again.

Regards Chris & Debbie.